Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter 5 online catalog& databases

1) Can you identify the library website, opac, library database
Library catalog is a database of all the materials a library owns.  A library catalog is an organized searchable list of records that identify, describe and locate materials in one or more library collection. the definition of Opac means Online public access catalog and library database can be bibliographic or full text. Bibliographic databases inform you of the existence of an article, and you then pursue that article in the library's physical collection by usig the library catalog in the eclectronic collection by doing an e-journals search or procuring it via our "Get Materials" webpage.


Science of Magic - New York Times


TRB cp article

NYT Ethics in Journalism_07

Live From the Lab, a Culture Worth a Thousand Words -

The New York Times Annotated Corpus Overview -

3)abstract of an article/paper is a shotend form of a speech, article, book, etc.

4)What is a "full-text article"?
Full-Text Article - In computerized databases, the complete article rather than just a citation or abstract. In LIAS databases, move from the record screen to the full text of an article by entering the command DIT. A full-text article in LIAS can be printed, sent to your email address, or saved to disk.

5)My search technique is when I do my search on the online search engine I tried to make the question as precise as I can and make sure it is related to the subject I want to search and not go to the subject that is not related nd I tried to be brief as I can.

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